Shape Finish


Shape Finish

How do you shape your finish?

Your finish determines your ball flight, direction and velocity about 90% of the time. If you’ve been watching PGA tour players’ finishes, they would often stick with their finishes a bit longer, giving analysts clues about their technique with reference to ball direction.

You can actually do the same.

Have two tour sticks align where you would take your shot and where your club should stay in.

Now, try and take a shot. A shot that finishes more to the left direction with the club going around the body and by the top of the shoulder your right wrist is flat parallel to the clubface is a hook shot.

Hook shots are known for their drawing-type motion that sends the ball with higher flight. Most golfers use this finish with their drivers or when they’re just about to tee.

Some players finish in this way as well: They place their finish at a curvature motion to the right. This is known as a “slice”. Slices are not so much a good thing unless it’s an effective method to send the ball where you need it to go. Players who use the slice end up with a curvature motion of their shoulders to the right, which sends the ball to the right respective of their position.

If your hook shots are flying quite high, end with a finish that your right wrist and clubface are parallel to the top of your head. As you go around to the left of your swing the ball’s flight would be lower.

Observe pro tour players and see their finish. With that reference, you can create your own finishes whenever you need it.

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