12.5 Deals of Christmas – Day 3 – How to Build a Repeatable Swing


Hi, it’s Shawn hereand it’s already Day 3 of our 12.5 Deals of Christmas!

Are you tired of an inconsistent golf game? Looking for a better way to hit the shot you want every time?

Maybe 2016 has been the year for you–the one when rounds came together and the ball flew from the clubface exactly as planned. If it was, congratulations! And don’t change a thing. But if you’re like some of us, it was an inconsistent year at best.

A good shot or a great round here, a lost opportunity or a wicked slice there. If 2017 is going to be the year for you, compensations and luck won’t get the job done. You need a swing you can replicate every time you take your stance over the ball.

The answer lies on this DVD….


…where we break down every segment of the swing you want and provide insights and checkpoints you can use to improve every position.

Watch as I give you a private lesson on the basics: from addressing the ball to the backswing and impact. With this level of refinement, you will develop a repeatable swing that hits the ball squarely each time.

In this training series, I break down every segment of the swing:
Motion to the Top

By slowing down the movement and creating checkpoints at each position, you will have the confidence to put all of the elements into one motion. In the DVD, I explain how to create the all-important “L” and maintain swing width.

Get it now, and in a couple of days, you’ll be on your way to a better game.

Happy Holidays and All the best,

Shawn Humphries
Golf Magazine Top 100 Teacher


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