Stabilize Your Backswing



Lay a sand wedge or a lob wedge on the ground. Rest your right foot on top of the clubface.

Stable Backswing

When you turn back, the club will stabilize your right foot and keep the weight inside your right knee.

Unstable Backswing

Without the wedge, you will have the tendency to move your knee to the outside on your backswing.

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  1. Steve

    Thank You for the tip, I will give it a try. Any tips of staying back on the down-swing, I’ve been walking sometimes to early causing thin hits or pushes to the right? Thank You Shawn.

    1. Jesus

      The bottom hand, Right-hand in riigthes and the left-hand in us southpaw golfers. The top hand controls and stabilizes the club through the entire swing and impact.

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