Perfect Chipping Angles


Step 1:

Create your training station with a Tour Stick, tee, and golf ball. Place the tour stick in the ground so that the tip is about 16 inches in the air. Tee the ball 6 inches in front of where the tour stick touches the ground.

Step 2:

Take your normal setup. Work the club back. Remember that your angle is not steep enough if your club brushes the Tour Stick going back.

Step 3:

Work the club down to create a descending blow going into the ground. Brush the tee out of the ground and hold your angle through impact. (NOTE: You do NOT want to scoop the ball going through impact.)

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1 comment

  1. Richard

    Does this technique apply to chipping with all clubs ie 6 or 7 irons as well the more lofted clubs ?

    Thanks very much Shawn for your time today and indeed all your helpful videos.

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