Year Long Goals


Year Long Goals

I know you’ve been in that phase where you just want to “lay back” for the rest of the year. But you’ve also been in a phase with frequent complaints about nothing changing as the years pass. This is true not just with everyone’s daily lives but also with your golf.

Most people hate making new years’ resolutions and goals because they often fail to achieve it. However, people don’t realize it’s their own downfall they’re setting up; people often confuse goals with dreams. Dreams are highly-unlikely, nearly-impossible realities we want. Goals are objectives we need to meet to bring us one more step closer to our dreams.

People must set up realistic goals. You can apply this in your golfing as well as in your life.

You have to be specific in what you want to become. Do I want to be better in lob shots? Do I want to improve my wrist hinge techniques? Do I want to improve my foot pivots? When you ask these specific questions, you’re one more step closer to achieving your ultimate, year long and career-long goal to become the best golfer there is.

Be objective in your goals. Being happy with your golfing isn’t a goal. Happy is a subjective result. Some people can be happy having great putting skills but having a huge lack of lofty shots. People can be happy just to win one game and that’s it. Make it objective. Make it more on your skill, technique and mindset. Don’t settle for subjective goals.

Make it measurable. A realistic goal has a performance rating. It’s easy to measure your success with your immediate goals and that is the frequency you’re able to do your technique properly. If you’re not doing techniques properly, it’s still a small win when you consider you’ve been doing some parts of the technique better than two months ago. Now that’s a measurable result.

Set goals for the year. Set realistic goals. Once you’ve set your year goals, set realistic immediate goals that serve as building blocks for your year end goals!

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