Scoring Clubs

Scoring Clubs

Two-Time World’s Long Drive Champion Reveals The Quickest and Easiest Way To Drop A Pile Of Strokes

Learn how easy it is to dominate any golf course and score low consistently and without any trouble!

You’ll finally have your game down so cold, your buddies won’t know what to do with you.

Once you get your hands on the Scoring Club training program, you’ll get INSTANT results; it’s permanent and you can take it with you wherever course you play in.

With my Scoring Club Training Program, you’ll know EXACTLY how far you hit your scoring wedges.

By the end of the program, you’ll know the EXACT yardage for every single one of your wedges!

You’ll also get a scoring clubs worksheet to track your progress.See how much (and how fast!) you’re improvingAt the end of the course, you can be confident knowing you’ll land every shot where you want it to land.

This will take the guesswork out of your game.

I put together this DVD training to help you score with your wedges from 50 to 125 yards. You’ll learn how to calibrate your swing length, how to determine your carry distance to the yard with all your wedges, and how to hit a 3/4 wedge shot (the one you see the pros hit). Includes the DVDs and worksheets.  – Eric Jones


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