How to Fix Your Slice


How to Fix Your Slice

Most beginner golfers and many seasoned golfers slice the ball frequently. Alignment plays a big role in the sliced shot. There is a parallax effect that takes place on the tee that most golfers are unaware of. At address, golfers assume the club is directed to the target when in fact they are aligned right of the target. Instead, golfers should line their ball and clubface to the target, with their bodies positioned parallel to the target (for right-handed golfers) to avoid slicing their shots. Other considerations also need to be addressed that might contribute to a sliced shot.

The Set-Up

Step 1
Grip the club in your left hand, placing the end of the club across the diagonal of the fingers of the left hand and the thumb down the shaft. Now place your right hand over the left thumb with the right thumb facing down the shaft. The “V” shapes made by your thumbs and forefingers of each hand should be on line with your left and right ears. The correct grip will allow you to square the club at impact.
Step 2
Address the ball by standing about two feet from the ball with your feet positioned about shoulder-width apart. The ball should be teed-up just inside the left heel.
Step 3
Align the clubhead to the target, then place your body behind the ball looking toward your target. Step into the shot first with your right foot, aim the clubface to the target, then set your body in place. Your feet, hips and shoulders should be parallel to the target line.
Step 4
Maintain the same triangle you made at address as you begin your backswing. Your hands, arms and shoulders should move together in one piece. At the halfway point in your backswing, your club should be parallel to the target line.
Step 5
Keeping a smooth, even tempo. Take your clubhead back so that your right elbow creates an “L” shape and your left arm is straight. Turn your shoulders about 90 degrees so that your back is facing your target. Your hips should turn about 65 degrees. At the top of your backswing, the clubface should be square.
Step 6
Keep your head quiet and behind the ball on your downswing. The clubface should be square at impact with your hands slightly ahead. Shift your weight from your right side to your left side and finish with a full follow-through.

Keeping your club on plane will allow you to achieve a solid, straight golf shot. As you begin your downswing, the butt of the shaft should be pointing at or near the ball. If the shaft is above the correct plane, or a plane that is too steep, you will slice the ball.

An open stance at address, where your feet, hips and shoulders are aimed too far to the left can result in an open clubface at impact and cause a slice. The open stance will not give your body time to release and square the club at impact, causing the shot to go to the right. An outside-in swing path can also cause your shot to slice. Often, a golfer who slices on a regular basis is swinging the club too quickly, which will throw the swing off its proper sequence. Practice your swing tempo at the driving range. Correct rhythm and timing, along with the proper grip, stance, alignment and swing plane will result in a straight, solid golf shot.

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